Replace the D runtime's normal unittest block tester. If this is not done, the tests will run twice.
Runs all tests in passed-in testData. Arguments are taken from the command-line. -s Can be passed to run in single-threaded mode. The rest of argv is considered to be test names to be run.
Generates a main function for collectAndRunTests.
A template mixin for a static constructor that disables druntimes's default test runner so that unit-threaded can take over.
Runs all tests in passed-in modules. Modules can be symbols or strings but they can't mix and match - either all symbols or all strings. It's recommended to use strings since then the modules don't have to be imported first. Generates a main function and substitutes the default D runtime unittest runner. This mixin should be used instead of runTests if a shared library is used instead of an executable.
Runs all tests in passed-in modules. Modules can be symbols or strings but they can't mix and match - either all symbols or all strings. It's recommended to use strings since then the modules don't have to be imported first. This wrapper is necessary to allow us to reference an extern-C symbol that would otherwise be mismangled, by importing it as a default parameter.
Collects test data from each module in Modules and runs tests with the supplied command-line arguments.
Runs all tests in passed-in modules. Modules can be symbols or strings but they can't mix and match - either all symbols or all strings. It's recommended to use strings since then the modules don't have to be imported first. Arguments are taken from the command-line. -s Can be passed to run in single-threaded mode. The rest of argv is considered to be test names to be run.
This module implements functions to run the unittests with command-line options.