This module implements custom assertions via shouldXXX functions that throw exceptions containing information about why the assertion failed.
Custom assertions for testing unit-threaded itself, not intended for the end-user.
Exception classes
Eliminate top-level imports.
This module implements functionality helpful for writing integration tests as opposed to the unit variety where unit-tests are defined as not having global side-effects. In constrast, this module implements assertions that check for global side-effects such as writing to the file system.
This module is an attempt to alleviate compile times by including the bare minimum. The idea is that while the reporting usually done by unit-threaded is welcome, it only really matters when tests fail. Otherwise, no news is good news.
Support the automatic implementation of test doubles via programmable mocks.
Property-based testing.
Here for backwards compatibility
A module for static constructors to avoid cyclic dependencies.
Modules with tests for testing unit-threaded itself.
Advanced testing library for D. Please consult the documentation in the different modules.